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Celebrating Hampshire Historians

Historian of the Month

As a part of our Celebrating Hampshire’s Historians project, we feature a Historian of the Month. They are chosen to illustrate the breadth of topics and approaches that we have discovered in building the profiles. The aim is to be as representative as possible and the list includes professional and amateur historians and archaeologists, antiquarians and others, with a cut-off date of 2000. The first profile was posted in April 2022. For any queries, please contact:  

February 2025 - Eleanor Cottrill

Eleanor Cottrill

Eleanor Cottrill - took "...up the post of Hampshire County Archivist (1947–1970) and established a County Record Office.  Her success in attracting collections was such that, within a year, the Record Office was moved to more ample premises..."

Historian of the Month for January-December 2024

Follow the above link to find out who was chosen as 'Historian of the Month' in 2024.

Historians of the Month for January-December 2023

Follow the above link to find out who was chosen as 'Historian of the Month' in 2023.

Historians of the Month for April-December 2022

Follow the above link to find out who was chosen as 'Historian of the Month' in 2022; the first ever 'HoM' - Dr. Joseph Stevens - was posted in April 2022.


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