Annual General Meeting 2024
The AGM of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society,
Thursday 23 May,at the Hampshire Record Office
- The minutes of the 2023 AGM (25th May 2023) were approved by those present at the meeting.
- Matters arising
- President’s report
- Treasurer's report and Accounts to 31 December 2023: the Accounts were approved by those present.
- Election of Officers:
(i) Treasurer: Valerie Archibald was duly elected.
(ii) Secretary: Philippa Harrap was duly elected.
- Election of Ordinary Members of Council:
The existing Ordinary Members, Mark Bardon & John Hare, were joined by Jo Bailey who was elected at the meeting. Three vacancies are still to be filled.
- Motions: none had been received by the Secretary.
- Any other business:
The David Johnston Memorial Lecture by Professor Mike Fulford
‘Silchester: its landscape and setting from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages’or the 'Silchester Environs Project 2015-2020'.
Professor Michael Fulford, President of the Hampshire Field Club and Professor of Archaeology at the University of Reading since 1988, gave his report on the progress of the 'Silchester Environs Project'. A summary of the talk will be available shortly. In the meantime, the following links will provide details: